Reaching Your Net-Zero Goals with Predictive Maintenance

Oil Platform

With the UK Government targeting the nation to be net-zero by 2050, attention has turned towards the Oil and Gas industry to see how they could become more carbon neutral. Many oil and gas platforms are still operating with old plant and equipment used well beyond its original design life. The use of ageing equipment leads to frequent unplanned shutdowns and excessive flaring. 

Flaring, combined with excess diesel use to repower the platform after a shutdown, expels unnecessary emissions into the atmosphere. Predictive Maintenance solutions can significantly reduce these emissions. 

By implementing the latest Predictive Maintenance solutions, maintenance on platforms can shift from reactive to more proactive, meaning you can catch faults ahead of time and stop them before they become a major problem. You can maximise production by not having to shut down for unplanned maintenance. Meanwhile, your rotating equipment engineers and emissions experts become more empowered to fight excessive plant emissions. 

Our recent partnership with Impact Forecast and the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute estimates that PROPHES, our Predictive Maintenance solution, can save up to 5.9 thousand tonnes of excess CO2 emissions annually on the average North Sea oil platform. The carbon estimation model we have built can be tailored to your platforms, giving you a baseline for “as is” operational emissions and a clear roadmap to reduce emissions over time. The estimate provides an accurate environmental impact assessment that is sharable with your leadership team.  

To learn more about how our Predictive Maintenance solutions can help you reach your net-zero goals, download our carbon impact report or contact us directly. 

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