Prevent failures before they impact production and damage equipment Unplanned shut-down caused by unexpected failure affects production and leads to longer turnaround time. Use PROPHES to predict and intervene as early as possible. Find out more real time failure Screen
Predict failure screen

Predict failure

PROPHES predictors provide enough lead time for maintenance experts to evaluate and act on predictions to prevent or mitigate plant and equipment.

Integrated to live sensor streams

PROPHES is continuously monitoring your sensor network to evaluate equipment status and condition.

Integrated to live sensor streams screen
Predict failure at the system level screen

Predict failure at the system level

PROPHES is sensor and manufacturer agnostic, it will monitor and predict failure at the system level, where many different vendor sub-systems and parts are working together.

Extend predictions across equipment classes

New equipment classes are supported via the PROPHES ‘plug-in’ predictor architecture.

Let's talk

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