Automate picking and receipt of equipment transfers The PHALANX Transfer app helps move equipment between internal sites efficiently and accurately. Find out more transfer app
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Track movement of equipment from dispatch site

Automatically extracts and presents the equipment transfer picklist on the technician’s mobile device at the appropriate dispatch site.

The Transfer app enforces accurate equipment picking and auto-updates back-office system.

Technicians can mark missing or unavailable equipment for follow-up.

Receipt transferred equipment at the destination site

The Transfer app presents all expected transfer lines to technicians at the destination site.

Technicians receipt actual vs expected equipment and mark any missing equipment for immediate follow-up.

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Reduce equipment cross-hires

Simplifying and speeding up the planning, picking and updating of equipment transfers between your sites improves equipment load-balancing and reduces unnecessary cross hires.

Let's talk

To chat about how we can help you move to digital operations, complete the short form below and one of our team will email or call you back today.

Please give us a call on +44 (0)141 559 7100 or send an email to